A FREE Healing Package

free healing package grief guru

 Your FREE Healing Package to Raise Your Vibration

I want to raise the frequency of love in the world and especially following any trauma, be that a death of a loved one, surviving abuse or feeling low and exhausted due to the world being so hateful and angry with agenda and politics that is dragging you down.

 I offer you my Positive Affirmation cards I created myself. I LOVE nature and really getting up close and personal, so I photographed all the flowers on my walks around North Wales and added the healing messages from Angels.  You get 12 Positive Affirmation cards to choose at random every day (If you wish) that raises your frequency, you can even print them off and laminate them if you like and as you speak the words out loud, trust you were meant to see that message and hear those words.

If that wasn’t amazing enough! You’ll also have free access to my relaxing guided meditation ‘Circles of Support‘ that offer you time to relax while being reminded of the loving support all around you.

Sent with so much love and joy.

Paula x